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In the early to moderate stages of periodontal disease, non-surgical treatment is effective. This accomplished by scaling and root planing.


This seems to be a procedure that causes so much confusion for patients in trying to understand the difference between "just a cleaning" and Scaling and Root Planing and the need and reason for this procedure.    


Scaling and Root Planing, is a through cleaning of root surface. Along with antimicrobials or antibiotics, the goal is to bring your gums back to their optimum health by reducing or eliminating any pockets formed around the teeth that have a measurement of greater than 3mm - without need for surgery. 


A professional polishing or prophy removes only the soft sticky plaque that is above the gum line. It is a method of treating gum disease when pockets are formed around the teeth have a measurement of greater than 3mm.


Because this procedure goes deeper than a regular cleaning, your mouth may be numbed.  Depending on the extent of the disease you may need one or more sections (quadrants) of the mouth to be treated with scaling and root planing. 

Treatment may require one or more visits.








Scaling is procedure that  meticulously removes contamination  toxins, micro-organisms, plaque, tartar, cementum, dentin that is rough and/or permeated by calculus from around, below and under the gum line down to the bottom of the pocket. This is done to remove biofilm, calculus, and toxin down to the bottom of each periodontal pocket in order to obtain a healing response.


Root Planing

      Root planing involves smoothing the root surfaces of your teeth with thin curettes so gum tissue can more firmly reattach to roots that are clean and smooth to prevent tooth loss and sensitivity problems. The procedure makes it more difficult for plaque to accumulate along the root surfaces.



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